
Resources for training on implicit biases and cultural responsiveness.


If your court is considering developing its own training, refer to the examples and resources below to get you started. 

Implicit Bias Training-Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

Ohio State University's Kirwan Institute, is ideal for use in K to 12 settings. However, it models how a court can develop short videos for self-navigated education. Courts could consider developing exercises that explore a range of responses to common court user questions and requests. 

The Evolving Science of Implicit Bias: An Updated Resource for the State Court Community from the National Center for State Courts

The report addresses strategies to combat implicit bias that have been found to be generally effective and those thought to be ineffective. 

For judicial officers, court leadership, and court staff

Some links and sources require you have authorized access for the judicial resources network (JRN). You must be a bench officer or actively employed court staff to gain access.

California Judges Association: Conversation Series
Offered to members only, a series of webinars and trainings for judicial officers from the California Judges Association.

Judicial Branch Leadership & Court Staff Education
Trainings from the Center for Judicial Education and Research. The Judicial Council’s existing Access, Ethics & Fairness Toolkit offers a Continuing the Dialogue video series that explores racial and other issues that affect judicial branch employees. Under the heading of Ethics & Fairness, the toolkit has uploaded a video entitled Your Role and the Impact It Has on Public Trust and Confidence