Public Interactions at the Court

How to establish and support connections within your community.


San Bernardino Superior Court News and Notices-Find The Latest Townhall

The San Bernardino Superior Court offers the public an opportunity to engage in dialogue on a variety of topics such as judicial independence and eliminating bias by hosting in person and virtual town halls. 

San Bernardino Community Outreach Efforts

The San Bernardino Superior Court has a dedicated community outreach effort page for the public to find information on how to engage with bench officers and court officials. You can find local resources, events, and volunteer opportunities, including information about the Inland Counties Judicial Mentorship Program and Annual Law Day events.

Self-Help Centers

Self-Represented Litigation Network - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)

A collection of resources created by organizations that are dedicated to advancing initiatives related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.  These tools cover a broad range of topics, like ethics education, technology, and justice for all. Some are individual documents.  Others are tailored collections and toolkits that are routinely updated. Examples include— “Diversity & Inclusion Resource Guide”, by the American Association of Law Libraries and “The Anti-Racist Reading List” by Ibram X. Kendi.

Self-Represented Litigation Network- 100% Access to Justice

A library of articles and reports discussing current topics impacting access to justice in the courts. Instructive articles discuss a broad range of topics, including innovations in self-help through technology, court governance, and language access. 


Court-Ordered Services

Language Access in Court-Ordered Services

This page offers resources for court justice partners and private service providers in the community to support their efforts to extend language access as part of their services. This serves to increase the accessibility of the courts to the public, especially those in LEP communities. 

Jury Services

Stanford SPARQ-Diverse Juries Make Better Decisions

Stanford University article discusses the impact of diverse jury panels on white jurors’ evaluation of evidence that could trigger their conscious or unconscious racial biases.

The Juror Project

An organization aiming to change the makeup of juries to better represent the American population and the communities most commonly facing trial by a jury. This organization engages communities through educational meetings and group discussions. They present at schools, colleges, churches, neighborhood associations, and any other community gatherings.

Race and the Jury

A Report, produced by the Equal Justice Initiative, provides a detailed analysis of illegal discrimination in jury selection. The report includes a history of discrimination in jury selection, a discussion on the importance of a representative jury, information on how juries are selected, an exploration of who is responsible for discrimination, the harm caused by racially biased jury selection, and finally, makes recommendations for the path forward.

Strengthening the Six

This project contains interactive tools and educational materials dealing with topics like right to counsel, impartial and representative juries, and various others that fall under the broad umbrella of justice for all. There is a catalogue of recorded videos on relevant topics as well as access to upcoming virtual and live events.

Berkeley Law Project and Cases

A catalog of projects and cases involving current development in the justice system.  Content includes topics like racial bias in juries, accomplishments in representation, and legislative developments. It also includes training materials and news stories